Artist Statement
Life is a like a watercolor palette brimming with glorious colors of discovery. The sheer act of translating artistic visions through watercolors, acrylics, photography & knitted weaving designs is my passion.
Art images take an idea and stretch it to the limit. There is a mixing of color, form & theme that opens for interpretation by the viewer. Themes presented to you consist of my respect for nature, love, peace and dignity for all.
Rachelle Farber
Artistic Journey
Rachelle Farber is an artist of unique visual paths……..
Rachelle has a passion for exploring the use of watercolors, acrylics, modern abstract, collage construction, photography & fiber arts. The key element of her images is the use of color as a tool to explore affect, creativity and critical thinking. A visual story is told to the viewer to reflect and build upon.
Rachelle is an artist who is actively involved in the San Diego art community and throughout California. Her original images have been “hung” in one woman art showings, Jazzercise Headquarters, Escondido Municipal Art Gallery, Photo Art Group of Escondido, San Diego Art Institute, Museum of the Living Artist, San Diego Art Department, Encinitas Community Center, Front Porch Gallery, Oceanside Museum of Art, San Luis Obispo Museum of Art and numerous coffee houses, restaurants and businesses.
You can find Rachelle creating brand new works at her studio in Carlsbad, California.